(Partial List)
Officials and Organizations:
Erica A Stewart
SLO Mayor
Dawn Addis
State Assemblymember
Michelle Shoresman
SLO City Council Member
Emily Francis
SLO City Council Member
Allen Settle
Former SLO Mayor
Dawn Legg
SLO County Supervisor
Bruce Gibson
SLO County Supervisor
Jimmy Paulding
SLO County Supervisor
Jen Ford
Morro Bay City Council Member
Erica Baltodano
Dean of SLO College of Law
Das Williams
Santa Barbara County Supervisor
Jim Gardiner
Retired SLO Chief of Police
Gary Patton
Former Santa Cruz County Supervisor
Larry Allen
Former APCD director
William Borgsmiller
Democrats of San Luis Obispo Club
SLO County Democratic Party
The Tribune
Plumbers and Pipefitters Union
Sierra Club
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Southern California Pipe Trades District Council #16
Shatter Pac
Central Coast Labor Council

Julia Alber
Karen Adler
Larry Allen
Erin Ambrose
Huc Ambrose
Patricia Andreen
Amena Atta-Roalman
Elie Axelroth
Jennifer Bauer
Sky Bergman
Lawrence Bolef
Thom Brajkovich
Rene Bravo
Lea Brooks
Lauren Brown
Wendy Brown
Jeff Buckingham
Jim Butts
Milton Carrigan
Richard Carsel
Martha Chivens
Kevin Clark
Diane Clausen
Barrie Cleveland
Thomas Comar
George Cotkin
David Cox
William Davies
Phyllis Davies
Susan Devine
Joel Diringer
William Donovan
Jeff Eidelman
Lee Endres
Valerie Endres
Don Ernst
Marie Ettema
Marilyn Farmer
Gary Felsman
Emily Francis
Elaine Gardiner
Karen Geise
Elaine Genasci
Andy Greensfelder
Harvey Greenwald
Virginia Griffin
Robert Griffin
Ty Griffin
Linda Halisky
Dave Hannings
Patricia Harris
Olga Harway
Amy Hewes
Michael Heyl
William Howell
Larry Inchausti
Linda Inchausti
Liz Johnston
Ann Judd
Eugene Judd
Amy Kardel
Peter Kardel
Angie King
Regina Kirk
Penny Koines
Richard Krejsa
Dan Krieger
Liz Krieger
Erik Layman
Taigen Leighton
Sherry Lewis
Trudy Lindaman
Katie Lichtig
Martha Lindholm
Claretta Longden
Bob Lucas
Wendy Lucas
Sandra Marshall
Joe Marx
Mary Matakovich
Cheryl McCollum
Craig McCollum
Steve McGrath
Charles Meyers
Vita Miller
Nicole Mullikin
Prashant Patel
Gary Patton
Marta Peluso
Stephen Peterson
Barry Rands
Janine Rands
Bruce Richard
Amena Roalman
Kathy apRoberts
Ann Robinson
Emily Rosten
Caren Russom
Gail Ryff
Debora Schwartz
Linda Seifert
Shirley Selkirk
Kathleen Settle
Sandi Sigurdson
Dan Silver
Elaine Simer
John Smigelski
John Snetsinger
Robert Spector
Debra Stakes
Bill Statler
Dale Sutliff
Sharon Sutliff
Jane Swanson
Eric Veium
Robert Vessely
Chip Visci
Mila Vujovich-La Barre
William Walker
Sharon Whitney
Calvin Wilvert
Rosemary Wilvert
Kara Woodruff
Chad Worth
I first met Jan Marx years ago, when I was serving on the Morro Bay City Council and she was Mayor of San Luis Obispo. She is a thoughtful and intelligent leader who always has our community’s best interests at heart. Her experience, balanced perspective and expertise are important to good governance of San Luis Obispo City and that of our region as a whole. I endorse Jan Marx for reelection, without reservation.
Dawn Addis
State Assemblymember
As representatives of our two cities I have had the opportunity to work with Jan Marx on various committees. Jan does her homework thoroughly and is always one of the most prepared people in the room. She asks important and insightful questions and is a very effective voice for the City of SLO.
Charles Bourbeau
Incoming Mayor of Atascadero
I’m proud to endorse Jan Marx for City Council. The City of San Luis Obispo is a trendsetter for the Central Coast, consistently leading in innovation and progress. Jan’s experience and dedication to sustainable growth and environmental protection are essential to keeping San Luis Obispo on the path of forward-thinking leadership.
Jen Ford
Morro Bay City Council Member
Jan Marx has unequaled experience and vision for San Luis Obispo. The entire city continues to benefit from her deep knowledge and institutional memory. I am pleased to endorse her for City Council.
Caren Ray Russom
Arroyo Grande Mayor
Jan is a relentless advocate for our community. I’m particularly appreciative of her ongoing efforts advancing SLO’s environmental and climate leadership.
Eric Veium
Jan has accomplished a long list of victories for our town including increased open space preserves, improvements in bicycle infrastructure, better relationships between Cal Poly and the city and increased homeless services. We are a much stronger town thanks to Jan’s tireless work.
Matt Ritter
She’s been one of the city’s strongest advocates for conservation of open space and while she’s had a reputation as a “slow-growther,” Marx advocates for affordable housing for both buyers and renters…Marx is smart, she does her homework and she is is a strong voice for underserved communities, including seniors who are unhoused. The Tribune Editorial Board strongly endorses Erica Stewart for mayor and Jan Marx and Mike Boswell for City Council. Read more here.
The Tribune Editorial Board