News & Events!

Hello Friends and Neighbors,
Thanks to your support, donations, endorsements, yard signs and most importantly, your VOTES, I won reelection to the San Luis Obispo City Council November 5, 2024. Out of the 11,919 votes cast, I won the top number 6,453 or 39.41%. This is a record for me!
I deeply appreciate your confidence in my engagement with residents and my leadership on the San Luis Obispo City Council for the next four years. I am excited about the future and will do my very best.
I will be sworn into office on December 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm at SLO City Hall. Please let me know if you would like an invitation.

What are you doing just before Farmers Market on September 12? You are invited to join the Jan Marx for City Council campaign official ribbon cutting at City Hall at 5:30 pm. Park for free, celebrate cutting the ribbon, then head on down to Farmers!
September 12: Campaign Official Ribbon Cutting at SLO City Hall 5:30 pm just before Farmers’ Market
September 15: Neighborhood Meet & Greet at San Luis Ranch Park 3 to 5pm
September 20: Meet & Greet House of Bread on Farmhouse Lane with music 4-6 pm
October 4: Introducing the candidate at the Villages (Palms) on Broad 1:00 pm
At her August 11th campaign event, Jan was honored to be introduced by Congressman Salud Carbajal. Check out his talk and Jan’s response!